Friday, February 24, 2012

Right to Carry, Crime Stats, and Gun Control

Avoiding fraudulently manipulated data from organizations like the CGSV and Brady Campaign linked to George Soros, the Joyce Foundation, and other anti-gun/anti-rights groups, it takes very little effort to find that gun control which moves toward excessive restrictions on firearms ownership and possession coincides with increases in crime, violent crime particularly. 

* In the 10-year period from November 30, 1998 to December 31, 2008, about 96 million background checks for gun purchases were processed through the federal background check system. Of these, approximately 681,000 or about 1% were denied.[74] [75]


* During 2002 and 2003, out of 17 million background checks resulting in 120,000 denials, the federal government prosecuted 154 people (about one-tenth of 1% of the denials).[76] [77]


* According to federal agents interviewed in a 2004 U.S. Justice Department investigation, the "vast majority" of denials under the federal background check system are issued to people who are not "a danger to the public because the prohibiting factors are often minor or based on incidents that occurred many years in the past." As examples of such, agents stated that denials have been issued due to a 1941 felony conviction for stealing a pig and a 1969 felony conviction for stealing hubcaps.[78] [79]


* The same investigation audited 200 background check denials and found that 8% of denied applicants were not prohibited from lawfully possessing a firearm.[80]


* During 2008, applicants appealed about 19% of the 70,725 background check denials issued that year. Of these, about 23% were later overturned and the applications approved.[81]

Contrary to claims from anti-rights groups, gun crime is at a low, yet they call for more bans and restrictions on law-abiding citizens. The background checks that the Brady Campaign promoted are working, as the numbers show. Further, high profile shootings are highly covered by media like never before, yet most shooters slip through cracks that increased restrictions would never likely prevent. 

* In January 1996, Texas's right-to-carry law became effective.[110]


* This law requires that concealed carry licensees be at least 21 years of age (or 18 years of age if a member or veteran of the U.S. armed forces), have clean criminal/mental health records, and complete a handgun proficiency course.[111]


* In 2009, Texas had 402,914 active licensees,[112] constituting roughly 2.4% of the state's population that is 21 years of age or older.[113]


* Since the outset of the Texas right-to-carry law, the Texas murder rate has averaged 30% lower than it was before the law took effect, while the U.S. murder rate has averaged 28% lower.[115]

Free states like Texas have lower crime rates than the country on average, yet decreases in restrictions and the restoration of carry rights further encourage the population to see that the right to keep and bear arms by the population is what drives crime down, again, contrary to what state media and the anti-right folks would have you believe. 

Want to see crime drop? Just support the Second Amendment rights of the nation. You don't have to exercise your rights to be free, but you must recognize the collective rights of all to prevent the nation from slipping into tyranny. 

Full article:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Seinfeld" actor who played Mr. Kruger shoots self in head, survives in critical...

Daniel von Bargen, a character actor who played Mr. Kruger on "Seinfeld," is in critical condition after shooting himself in the head, according to a report on TMZ. The website has posted audio of a 911 call von Bargen made from his Ohio home Monday morning.

This sort of perverted attempt to demonize gun owners over concerns of self inflicted injuries is just another way the anti-rights folks are after the Second Amendment. They include suicides in gun violence statistics. Doesn't really maintain validity for their argument under scrutiny, though. 

Original Page:

Third-grader wounded in Washington school shooting; another third-grader detained

The injured girl has been airlifted to Seattle's Harborview Medical Center with a gunshot wound in her abdomen.

I'm sure a gun ban would prevent this sort of tragedy. 

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