Monday, October 22, 2012

Stuffings for your mags

See it every class. People stuff as many rounds as they can into a mag then stuff one more. Middle of a drill, they reload, press the trigger and while the gun fires, the mag decides to exit stage bottom. Usually we see this with double stack standard capacity mags. This past Saturday we had someone with an EMP that if the mags were filled to capacity they would not seat unless you sat on the mag with the gun on the bench underneath it. Loading one round down did the trick. Before discovering that, they had basically beat their palm senseless trying to seat mags during class.

So, if your mad holds 11-20 rounds, load one down, if it holds 21+ load two rounds down. This will save you much grief and embarrassment and who knows, it could even save your life some day.

Next minor gripe, know your gun. practice with it enough to know if it has quirks. Don't buy something new and expect it and you to perform flawlessly together right out of the box.

That last bit is the priceless advice I see often from sites like this one. Common sense stuff like know your gun is not as common as it should be. 

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Stop touching it

This is definitely a violation of one of four rules...

Remember when we talked about pooping while carrying and, you know, how it was dumb to take it out of the holster and all that? Well, here's one reason why. Seems an officer used the TTAG approved method of removing his gun while doing number 2. He left the gun in the bathroom and it was later used in a shooting death.

Stop touching it.

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Wisconsin Hunters: 8th Largest Army In The World

While I was in Wisconsin earlier in the week, I checked the family's mailbox for my latest issue of MidWest Outdoors, a monthly magazine that focuses on fishing, hunting, and camping in the Midwest.

From one of my favorite sections, "Shot Shots and Small Catches," for October:

There will be over 600,000 hunters this year in the state of Wisconsin. Wisconsin's hunters will become the eighth largest army in the world.

According to an August 2012 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service survey entitled 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation, 13.7 million Americans, or 6 percent of the population 16 years old or older, went hunting last year.

13.7 million American hunters? Ladies and gentlemen, meet the largest army in the world.

"A gun behind every blade of grass" is the likely reason no foreign nation has ever attempted to invade America in modern history. 

Furthermore, while overall hunting participation increased 5 percent from 2001 to 2011, the survey noted participation has jumped 9 percent since 2006.

So much for the death of hunting you hear so much about in the mainstream media.

What? The Brady campers are making it up?

You can read the entire survey on the U.S. Department of the Interior website here (.pdf document)

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

99% Chance That This Florida Attorney General’s Brief Was Filed by Someone Not Licensed to Practice Law

Mr. Volokh, you had me at Florida. 

Odd, you say — wouldn't it be pretty likely that whoever is signing the brief is likely licensed to do so? Well, I can prove it: Less than 1% of the Florida population is licensed to practice law. Thus, given the small percentage of the population that is licensed to practice law, the overwhelming majority of briefs are not licensed. Thus, my suspicion that the brief was signed by someone who isn't licensed would be reasonable because, in any given case, there would be, statistically speaking, a 99% likelihood of unauthorized practice of law.

Nonsense!, you say. Nonsense indeed — yet it is the argument that the Florida Attorney General made with regard to licenses to carry concealed firearms.

The legal question was when a police officer who has reasonable suspicion that a person is carrying a concealed firearm is entitled to briefly detain and frisk the person. Generally, reasonable suspicion that a person is committing a crime suffices to justify the brief detention, and — once the stop takes place — reasonable suspicion that the person is armed and dangerous suffices to justify the frisk. But concealed carrying with a license is legal, though whether or not the person has a license generally can't be determined until he's stopped.

May the police officer act on the assumption that it's sufficiently likely (though far from certain) that someone who he suspects is carrying a gun doesn't have a license? Should it matter whether a license is an affirmative defense to the crime of carrying a concealed weapon, as opposed to the absence of a license being an element of the crime of carrying an unlicensed concealed weapon? It's a complicated, interesting, and unsettled question.



Homemade Leather Pocket Holster

Looks like a pretty interesting project, especially if you can't find a holster you like for your pistol.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Michigan Handgun Registration Idiocy

legislation that would eliminate the state handgun "permit-to-purchase" and registration requirements, is currently stalled in the Michigan Senate.

Imagine that...

The reason for this delay stems from opposition by the Michigan State Police, as well as Governor Rick Snyder's office, asking Senate leadership to "hold" HB 5225.The Michigan State Police, never friendly to pro-gun reforms, including the current state Right-to-Carry law, has even proposed a number of crippling amendments to HB 5225 that would perpetuate Michigan's antiquated registration system in the event that they are unable to stop its passage.

The Michigan State Police (MSP) has made its position clear.  The MSP wants to maintain records of law-abiding citizens that legally purchased handguns in Michigan.  In essence, MSP wants to have easy access to a list of guns owned by law-abiding citizens, like YOU.  The MSP continually ignores the fact that criminals do not buy guns at retail stores and criminals do not register firearms.  This gun control scheme has failed to prevent the violence in Detroit and Flint, two of top five most violent cities in America.  Guns misused in a crime can and are traced in the forty states without such a permit-to-purchase/registration requirement.  In fact, last year alone over 5,000 firearms recovered in Michigan were run through the federal trace system.


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