Sunday, July 22, 2012

Brady Campaign Sees Tragedy as Opportunity

I subscribe to the Brady Campaign email list, though I find that reality is in conflict with most of the views of the campaign. When I first heard the news of the tragedy in a Colorado movie theater last week, one of my first thoughts was that the campaign would jump on the opportunity to exploit the loss of life for political gain, like they always do. The misguided folks at the Brady Campaign believe that guns are the cause of violence, rather than a tool of those violent individuals.

It's the guns! It's the guns! It's the guns!
Dear hoplophobe,
How angry are you in the wake of the horror in Aurora, CO? Are you angry enough to do something? We need your help now.
Only one thing enabled this mass killing: America's terrible gun laws. And we know who is responsible for these terrible laws: our elected officials. The Brady Campaign has one clear goal – to get our representatives to address the national problem of easy availability of guns in this country – NOW!
In just the last few weeks, we have seen mass shootings in Alabama, Washington state and now Colorado – all states whose leaders have capitulated to the NRA and passed laws that allow dangerous people to get guns and carry them on our streets.
Laws that make it LEGAL to carry deadly weapons into public places … and the police can do nothing until the trigger is pulled.
We are mobilizing people across the country to demand our elected leaders stop cowering to the NRA. Change will only happen when the American people DEMAND change.
We must mobilize to demand Congress to act to prevent another shooting. I urge you to stand with us now. Only your support will help make this possible.  
Daniel Gross PhotoSincerely,
Daniel Gross Signature
Dan Gross
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

What the Brady bunch fails to recognize in their "reports" on this specific tragedy is that the movie theater in question is a gun-free zone. This means that guns are not allowed on the premises. But those who support the natural and Constitutional right to self defense understand that laws and signs have no effect on those willing to inflict violence on others.

Those at the campaign have convinced themselves that outright gun bans will reduce crime, yet are out of touch with reality as usual. The calls for stronger and more complex gun laws is more than misguided, it is dangerous to society. Without a population willing and able to defend itself, we all suffer and become vulnerable to tragedies like these.

Luckily for those who appreciate freedom, yet are unwilling to stand up for it themselves, calls for stronger gun laws are falling on deaf ears. Legislators and representatives understand that criminals by definition circumvent those fiat protections. Simple words on paper have no protective ability against crazed gunmen. Gun-free zone signs have no power to deter those seeking to inflict injury on others.

It is the people ourselves who are responsible for our safety, not laws, signs, or even law enforcement. We are the first defense, and the last. Don't fall victim to the hollow pleas from groups like the Brady Campaign, who seek to restrict the rights of the public to self defense, while having little to no effect to reduce violent crime.

Do your part to protect your fellow citizens. Support the right to keep and bear arms by those responsible people in your family and community to be that first line of defense. There is no requirement for all to take up arms, but there are more than enough willing to do so when the state is put in it's place and prevented from infringing on that natural and Constitutional right.

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