Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dear Editor: What happened to waiting periods for guns?

I found this in my inbox and had to share. It just goes to dispel many of the myths that bans and restrictions on firearms will either prevent or reduce violent crime. There are two aspects to the issue; the reality and the perception. If media calls for gun control and politicians pander to this idea, the victims are law-abiding citizens. Criminals care not for gun laws (hence, they are criminals), so have no concern for increases in restrictive laws. The reality is that fewer laws and restrictions on firearms ownership and possession are a deterrent against criminal activity. One only need consider cities like Chicago and New York to see the reality of the situation.
An open letter to America's news media


From: Alan Korwin, The Uninvited Ombudsman




The Batman Movie Massacre

Our Forgotten Waiting Periods

The Need for Gun-Control... Counseling

Banning the Glock

Really Small Bullets

Copycat Heroes

Media Culpability for Massacres



Dear Media Colleagues,


Guns can't seem to keep themselves out of the limelight. Urban shootings, outside the ghettos where most shootings take place, are now becoming national news. What changed?


Why aren't we talking about waiting periods anymore? The media and the gun-control movement have abandoned waiting periods, but they used to be the holy grail. Why is that?


It turned out waiting periods didn't matter. They didn't work, had no impact on crime, they were a distraction. They were just an attack that could be made on guns, the flavor of the day, a reflection of what the public out here perceives as media hatred for guns. Like a reported shooting... from two thousand miles away.


Waiting periods were what gun controllers told media to ask for, not what media independently figured out might work. Media were told, "Waits will slow crime," and even though rational people knew this was silly, you (plural) called for them -- and then were bewildered at the resistance you got. Everyone lamented the predictable lack of results, until thankfully, you abandoned that red herring.


Now I find you urging support to ban gear, like magazine size, ammunition types and even brands, like AR-15 and Glock. This is just as bogus as the olden waiting-period demands, and you are just as mystified at the adamantine resistance again. This is why it is time for gun-control counseling.


People seeking gun control, media included, understand the subject so poorly they are getting in the way of making any real progress. Gun control is not crime control. It doesn't have the desired effect. That's why gun owners and others resist it so fervently. If it would work they would support it -- everyone wants to stop senseless murder, we're not irrational.


There is actually lunatic talk of banning the Glock sidearm for the public, along with all semi-automatic firearms. The Glock is so good that 65% of law enforcement uses it -- it's reliable, effective, safe, simple, fast. Guns save lives. Guns stop criminals. Guns protect us. This is why we give them to police. This is why the public wants and needs them. This is what gun controllers don't get, and why counseling is called for if we are going to get anywhere.


You would consider taking Glock and other autoloaders away from the public because criminals understand the value and use these too. That makes as much sense as taking them away from the police themselves. Of course the public balks at that, and you interfere with getting to any real solution for stopping armed maniacs. You fail to see how your equipment-based arguments are doomed to failure. The gun-control debate needs an intervention. For example:


Why only discuss guns after a mass murder? Wouldn't covering all the newsworthy aspects of guns help us understand the issues better? What about all the good that guns do? You may not even clearly know what that is. What about the shooting sports -- a billion dollars bigger than golf? What about censorship on the subject of guns in education? It is a vacuum. Why don't you cover that?


That vacuum is a measure of your bias. Your bias is a measure of why we have this problem. The media, both so-called "news" media and the cultural media like movies, TV, video games and magazines, are powerful driving forces behind the mass-murder behaviors we have never before seen. This is understandably hard for you to face.


When guns were more available during our baby-boomer youth -- without age limit, without paperwork, without background checks, without the FBI, by mail order from the pages of comic books -- these kinds of atrocities were unheard of, unfathomable, unthinkable. What changed? Our culture, and the media led the way.


Can you at least savor the irony? A crowded theater witnesses a blood-drenched massacre -- while eagerly waiting to watch hours of blood-drenched massacres.


Before these atrocities were standard fare, people died off camera, without blood. A crook who shot a cop was shunned by his peers, never held up as someone to be idolized like today, where entire films glorify the villains. Kids today are virtually trained assassins, inured to immoral levels of violence. You did that.


As a 25-year member of the Society of Professional Journalists, peers have told me their editors suppressed or downplayed stories of armed self defense so they wouldn't encourage copycats. Then broadcasters treat us to endless days of glorified mass murderers, and encourage copycats. You do that.


You're discouraging copycat heroes while perpetually portraying copycat villains, then you scratch your collective heads. Consciously or not, you the media connect those dots. You take your unspoken bias and hoplophobic fear of guns, mix in an immoral and unethical ingredient of grief and horror, and in a beautifully orchestrated promotion push the misguided gun-control agenda -- supplanting the crime-control agenda we desperately seek.


Here's why an intervention is needed: Consider that 80 people left home, never to return, prematurely dead in their cars on the same day 12 were murdered in the awful Batman-movie massacre (please don't besmirch a fine American city when referring to this literally theatrical violence; let the name help frame the blame).


Eighty grieving families, spread out everywhere, not just in one unlucky community. Blood and guts, horror, unspeakable tragedy, children ripped from us, police cars and flashy lights. Where were the cameras in their faces? Why not promote their grief with crocodile-tear remorse? Or does the thought of hounding those car-wreck victims for days horrify even you?


And what about the next day's eighty? And the next? No, the monstrous bias of the media is on display here, dancing in the blood of victims and trumpeting society's miscreants, with effects too offensive to rationalize. For shame, as a CNN anchor scolded me recently.


No, the broadcast pity party national mea culpa grief deluge the "news" media perpetrates on the public is as meaningful as the waiting periods you have jettisoned. You wouldn't dare impose on other grieving families this way, it would be intolerable, reprehensible.


Without accepting it, you are a root cause of the problem. You appear to secretly hope the grief will finally be enough to convince the innocent to relinquish their rights and abandon the products you so misunderstand.


Please realize -- people face the exact same thugs police face. But cops operate in groups, with backup, in body armor, with sniper teams and helicopters. Is that why we need less ammo and smallish bullets in inferior guns? It is we who are the first responders in criminal assaults on ourselves. The police we dial after assaults start are second responders, a point you fail to appreciate.


If the public is limited to little bullets, and only a few of them, the problem of crazy people committing murder will neither resolve nor improve. It's waiting-period logic again. The public needs parity with police, not inferior tools. This is why counseling is appropriate -- so we can discuss this intelligently.


Oh, you can go into denial, talk numbers, point to countries that are not the linchpin of freedom on the planet. Ask about Japan or Switzerland that do not have drug wars or ghettos -- a word you will no longer even use -- yet which is at the heart of what you like to call guns on the street.


Things that will help, like firearms education in our schools, erasing decades of enforced ignorance, confronting your own biases that perpetuate and encourage violent behavior, examining activities of your companion industries, and seeing the "cultural" problem -- until we face these challenges, you'll keep seeking changes the majority of the public will correctly resist. You'll just be frustrated, get nowhere and not understand why.


Meet with me and a few select others for counseling that will truly get to the heart of the matter. Let's get past the firing mechanisms, types of lead or brand name intrigues and into the real-world answers that can reduce or stop this sort of behavior and make our world more safe. Together we can fix this.




Alan Korwin, Publisher

Bloomfield Press

Alan Korwin, Publisher
Bloomfield Press
"We publish the gun laws."
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(This is our address and info as of Jan. 1, 2007)

"Don't be a spectator in the struggle to preserve freedom."

Monday, August 27, 2012

Chicago weekend shootings kill 9 as alleged gang violence continues

The recent surge in violence in Chicago lasted through the weekend, leaving at least nine people dead and 28 wounded after multiple shootings, NBC News reports. The Chicago Tribune reported that at least 17 of those victims were shot in a 12-hour stretch between Saturday evening and Sunday morning....

So, murder is illegal. Violent assault with weapons is illegal. Presumably, any sort of combination of offenses with firearms is illegal, so how could more gun restrictions stem the violence? Crime rates actually dropped when the Chicago gun ban was found unconstitutional, so maybe it simply didn't go far enough. Along that line of though, reason implies that further deregulation would also lead to a decrease in gun violence. End more gun restrictions, don't revert to a more violent historical position. 

I love logic. It's only opposition is opinion and emotional response in this venue. 

Original Page: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheRawStory/~3/ZU1lvKXaXkI/

Chicago shootings leave 9 dead, 28 wounded since Friday night

At least nine people were killed and 28 others wounded in a spate of shootings since Friday night in Chicago, according to local reports. 

Hey, Chicago! How's that restrictive antigun policy working out?

The most recent shooting death occurred on Sunday afternoon in the city's South Side, where a 19-year-old was shot from a passing vehicle, according to the Sun-Times Media Wire.  The man died in the hospital after the 2:50 p.m. (3:50 p.m. ET) shooting, the Sun-Times Media Wire reported.

At least 17 people were shot, one fatally, from 6 p.m. Saturday to 6 a.m. Sunday alone, according to the Chicago Tribune

That fatality was a 28-year-old man who was found at around 3 a.m. on Sunday inside a vehicle, police and the medical examiner's office told NBCChicago.com and the Chicago Tribune.

A 17-year-old was also fatally shot by someone riding a mountain bike on Friday, according to NBCChicago.com

One of the youngest to be shot since Friday was a 15-year-old girl who was hit in the chest while smoking marijuana on Friday evening, NBCChicago.com reported. Police said that shooting was not "intentional."

'We're basically treading water'
In the midst of the violence, Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy defended his department's anti-violence strategy.

Sounds like a miserable failure, with gun crime rates significantly greater than some similarly-sized cities which don't heavily prohibit firearm ownership. Hmmm, might there be a connection here? I think so!

"We're not winning, we're not losing. We're basically treading water," McCarthy said on Saturday.  He said that in the month of August, "we had some trouble because some of these retaliatory shootings are happening quicker than we can stop them."


More: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/27/13500751-reports-chicago-shootings-leave-9-dead-28-wounded-since-friday-night?lite

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Shared Responsibility For Mass Shootings

This small sampling of gun control advocates, like all others, attempt to disarm every law abiding citizen in the U.S.

Gun Control Advocates

These gun control organizations below, like all others, attempt to disarm every law abiding man and woman in the U.S.

Gun Control Organizations

The increasingly odious symbol below designates "Gun Free Zones" in states where legal concealed carry is allowed.

It represents the disarming of law abiding citizens in retail stores, theaters, restaurants, stadiums, schools, college campuses, hospitals and more.

No Guns Allowed


NYPD: The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight

Two weeks ago, the NYPD shot at least 12 rounds in crowded Times Square at 51 year old Darius Kennedy, who had mental health issues and was waving a knife as he walked down 7th Avenue.

Some of the rounds could have injured or killed innocent bystanders.

In fact, at least one of those rounds were found embedded in the doorway of a nearby building.

Two days later an NYPD officer shot an innocent dog on 14th Street and 2nd Avenue, again in one of Manhattan's busiest neighborhoods.

The dog was barking as she protected her owner, a man who many described as being homeless, and who had passed out in the street.

Eddie Huang, a well known chef and owner of BaoHaus restaurant described the incident this way, "We heard the gunshot, and we all ducked, and saw people running and screaming. All of the sudden, our chef Mitch ran towards the gunshot. He was like Yo, it's that dog in front of KFC—because there's always this dog in front of KFC—and by the time I get there, I can see the dog whipping around and convulsing."

Again, innocent bystanders could have been injured or killed by shots fired by a New York City police officer.

Then, on Friday August 24, 2012, less than two weeks after the NYPD shot that innocent dog, NYPD officers Craig Matthews and Robert Sinishtaj opened fire on 58 year old Jeffrey Johnson, a disgruntled, laid off ex-employee of Hazan Import Corp., a clothing accessory company, who had just shot and killed Steve Ercolino, the company's vice president after he had walked into the company around 9 am.

According to the NYPD, Officer Craig Matthews fired seven times, and Officer Robert Sinishtaj fired nine times.

Neither Matthews or Sinishtaj had ever fired their weapons before on a patrol.

On Saturday, authorities confirmed that NYPD officers Craig Matthews and Robert Sinishtaj fired more than 16 rounds, striking Johnson at least seven times.

A video shows Jeffrey Johnson dressed in a suit, in front of the landmark building on Fifth Avenue at 34th Street, turn towards police, appearing to point a gun at officers when he is shot.

The NYPD also confirmed that nine bystanders who were wounded in the shooting, were injured by bullets fired by police, not Mr. Johnson.

Of the nine shot by police, three were hit directly by bullets, while six were injured by bullet fragments that ricocheted off of the concrete pavement and/or planters.

Three people remain in the hospital in stable condition.

As always, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, along with NYPD Commisioner Ray Kelly backed the NYPD officers actions and defended the shooting which injured, and could have killed nine innocent bystanders.


Combine that with the NYPD's history of being the most corrupt police force in the country, and it's why I say the NYPD is the gang that can't shoot straight.

NYPD: The Gang That Can't Shoot Straight is a post from Cop Block - Badges Don't Grant Extra Rights

More: http://www.copblock.org/19960/nypd-the-gang-that-cant-shoot-straight/

The Danger of Reactionary Police

First off, these two things aren't even close to the same thing. But they do have something in common, as with all shooting events when it comes to gun control discussions spawned by them.

Around here it's commonly accepted and pretty much not questioned that in both situations, the presence of one or a few armed civilians would have resulted in much less gruesome outcomes.

Yet, people make the argument that it would have been worse, imagining that panicking civilians would just start shooting haphazardly and result in more innocent casualties.

Here's the difference. The "well trained, hardened, disciplined" police have protection. So THEY CAN do this, and will get away with casualties caused by them.

Civilians that hit unintended targets are subject to investigation for assault with a deadly weapon, manslaughter, attempted murder, and actual murder. They don't take shots lightly and are even encouraged and taught to first make an attempt to flee from danger first if possible.. sometimes to complete safety, or sometimes a position where they can make a safe shot if still necessary. Not only that, but they have the advantage of the first responder- an eye witness who observed a situation's development from the start unlike the police who arrive 5 to 15 minutes after the fact, with possibly bad information from phone reports, and have to sort through a bunch of chaos after arriving.

As gun owners, enthusiasts of the 2nd Amendment, self protection, we know the statistics are there. They spell out that (while not all the time) generally speaking casualties spike when police get involved compared to the same incidents where they don't get a chance to. I've observed discussions about this and was not able to articulate this point at the time and it has been bothering me.

Original Page: http://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/ysymv/something_bothering_me_i_have_to_get_off_my_chest/

Quote of the Day: Cognitive Dissonance Edition

"This is a terrible tragedy and there's no doubt that the situation would've been even more tragic but for some extraordinary acts of heroism. Every day our police officers put their lives on the line to protect us, they did so again today…." – Michael Bloomberg. The gunman had 8 rounds, at least FIVE of which were used to kill his intended victim. There were 10 people hit. You do the math.

Bloomberg is likely to meet more resistance to the idea that his law enforcement thugs are "the only ones" deserving of the right to keep and bear arms, as they do more harm to the unarmed public than any gunman yet...

Original Page: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/08/foghorn/quote-of-the-day-bloombergs-cognitive-dissonance-edition/

Illinois State Attorney Announces He Won’t Prosecute Citizens for Bearing Arms

In an effort to stoke the flames of the ongoing concealed-carry debate in Illinois, the last remaining state that prohibits law-abiding citizens from carrying a concealed firearm, a state attorney announced that he will no longer prosecute citizens for certain weapons possession charges when they have "no evil intent."

"Our message is this: we will no longer use the power and authority of our office to criminalize and punish decent, otherwise law-abiding citizens who choose to exercise the rights granted to them by the Second Amendment of the United States' Constitution to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves and their families," said McLean County State's Attorney Ronald Dozier in a Tuesday press release.

Dozier's justification for not enforcing state law, which bans concealed carry and forces residents to obtain a FOID card, seems to follow the logic of the great transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau who said, "If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law."

DozierWhile Dozier not exactly breaking the law, as Author and American University law professor Angela Davis told the Bloomington Pantagraph, prosecutors have "absolute discretion" to decide whether to pursue charges, he is certainly refusing to be an agent of injustice.  


More: http://www.guns.com/illinois-state-attorney-prosecute-citizens-bearing-arms-10751.html

Friday, August 24, 2012

Bloomberg tries to explain why New York's finest gun down innocent bystanders

Bloomberg tries to explain why New York's finest gun down innocent bystanders. Isn't this what Bloomberg said would happen if civilians packed heat?

But. . . but . . . they were official government employees. That's not supposed to happen.
A women's accessories designer fatally shot a vice president of the company that laid him off near the Empire State Building Friday, causing a chaotic showdown with police in front of one of the world's best-known landmarks. Police killed the suspect and at least nine others were wounded, some by stray police gunfire, city officials said. . .
The two officers fired a total of 14 rounds at Johnson, Kelly said. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said some of the nine wounded may have been shot by police in the mayhem. Johnson's semi-automatic weapon was equipped to fire at least eight rounds; at least one round was left in the clip, police said. Another loaded magazine was in his briefcase.

Sipsey Street Irregulars: Bloomberg tries to explain why New York's finest gun down innocent bystanders. Isn't this what Bloomberg said would happen if civilians packed heat?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

California State Assembly wants federal semi-auto ban

The state Assembly has passed a resolution urging Congress to revive a federal ban on assault weapons...

...which had NO measurable effect in reducing violent gun crime. In fact, violent crime has been steadily declining since the ban expired. 

Imagine that. Reality fails to support the fearmongering from the Brady campers...

Original Page: http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/in-the-news/2012/8/california-state-assembly-wants-federal-semi-auto-ban.aspx

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Brady: Your hands, please!

I sign up for email lists and subscribe to RSS news feeds from groups with which I do not necessarily share beliefs, such as the fearmongering Brady Campaign. When I saw this in my inbox, I had a little chuckle, then though I'd at least offer a finger instead of a hand (guess which one).

Will you lend us a hand, or two? Please join us today, August 21, 2012, in a Social Media Action Day. Using Twitter and Facebook, we hope to use social media to continue to fuel the national dialogue on preventing gun violence in America.

The irony here is that the social media which the Brady campers and like-minded groups and individuals participate in is one-sided. They simply blacklist those with differing opinions, rather than participate in intellectual discourse. Seems about right...

The first presidential debate is just 44 days away. With your help, we want to continue to put pressure on debate moderator Jim Lehrer to ask the candidates about their plans to reduce gun violence.

Using Facebook, please like and share our message to Mr. Lehrer right now to help spread the word. That post links to our letter to Mr. Lehrer formally asking him to include questions about guns during the October 3rd Presidential Debate in Denver.

One more thing before you get ready to take action, please like and share our We Are Better Than This Facebook page.

Sadly, there are not likely better than much...

Using Twitter, we ask you to send messages Mr. Lehrer using the Twitter handle: @NewsHour
In the same message, we ask that you use the hashtag: #askaboutguns

We ask you, and hope you will encourage others, to Tweet five messages to Mr. Lehrer today. You can use any or all of the messages below, as well as your own messages, that include both @NewsHour and #askaboutguns:

Click on a link to Tweet it
@NewsHour 48,000 Americans will be murdered with #guns during the next presidential term. Pls #askaboutguns Mr. Lehrer

@NewsHour Between now & 1st presidential debate, 1440 Americans will be murdered with #guns. Pls #askaboutguns Mr Lehrer

@NewsHour Deadly mass shootings @ Columbine & Aurora happened 10 miles from the debate hall. Pls #askaboutguns Mr Lehrer

@NewsHour Since Tucson, more than 60 mass shootings have devastated American communities. Pls #askaboutguns Mr Lehrer

@NewsHour Every day 32 Americans killed by guns: the presidential candidates' silence is deadly! #askaboutguns Mr Lehrer

Friday, August 17, 2012

Cross-country caravan raising awareness about U.S.’s role in Mexico’s drug war

A cross-country caravan made its way through Texas Thursday night.

It's good to see Americans starting to recognize the involvement by our government in promoting the violence along the southern border. 

Its made up of folks from both sides of the border hoping to convince Americans that we can help stop Mexico's violent drug war.

We can end the war on drugs by ending prohibition. It worked for alcohol and legalizing those markets allowed tax revenues to displace black market exchanges. Budget shortages resolved. 


Anti-gun Activists Threaten Olympic Shooter

US Olympian Corey Cogdell has found both herself and her family to be the target of death threats via the social network site Twitter.
As posted on Michelle Malkin's conservative leaning website Twitchy.com, the 2008 Beijing Bronze Medal winner and current member of the 2012 USA Trap Team has a number of threats posted on Twitter due to Cogdell's fondness for hunting.

More: Anti-gun advocates threaten Olympic shooter, family with death - Wilmington Conservative | Examiner.com

Threatening violence on a non-violent Olympiad? Rather misguided, willfully ignorant.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Colo. shooting lawsuit filed, man blames theater, doctors, and Warner Bros.

"A lawsuit was filed Tuesday, just a few days after the largest mass shooting in the history of the United States, blaming the theater, the doctors of James Holmes, and the film studio Warner Bros. Torrence Brown, Jr. was in Century 16 Theater when James Holmes started his killing spree. Brown was not injured although one of his best friends, A.J. Boik, was fatally shot in the chest. Brown claims to be suffering from extreme trauma."

"Brown's attorney, Donald Karpel, told TMZ that the theater was negligent. The emergency exit door in the front had no alarm and was not guarded. Many believe that Holmes purchased a ticket, entered the theater, propped open the emergency exit from the inside, and then went to his car and returned with four guns."

Continue Reading: http://www.examiner.com/article/james-holmes-lawsuit-filed-man-blames-theater-doctors-and-warner-bros?cid=db_articles


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Gun Tweet of the Day: Smallbore Appreciation Edition

As we've noted before, Samuel L. likes his guns. Judging from his recent tweetage, he also loves him some Olympic pistol competition, too. And he really seems to revere rimfire's reasonable recoil. Or lack thereof. We second that emotion. As for the absence of sideways shit presentation, we're totally down with that, too.

Original Page: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/08/daniel-zimmerman/gun-tweet-of-the-day-skills-appreciation-edition/

Monday, August 6, 2012

Mexico Dissolves Their FBI And Moves To Legalize Drugs

"President-elect Enrique Pena and his Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) who won control of Mexico's government on July 1st, moved to dissolve the Agencia Federal de Investigación (AFI). Modeled after the United States FBI, the AFI was founded in 2001 to crack down on Mexico's pervasive government corruption and drug trafficking. With rival drug cartels murdering between 47,500 to 67,000 Mexicans over the last six years, the move by the PRI represents the total surrender of Mexico's sovereignty back to the money and violence of Mexico's two main drug cartels, the Sinaloa Federation and Los Zetas. Coupled with the Obama Administration's "Dreamer" Executive Order curtailing deportations of illegal aliens, a hands-off policy on both sides of the border foreshadows a huge increase in "narco-trafficking" violence and corruption flooding into the United States.

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) ruled Mexico with an iron fist for 71 years between 1929 and 2000. Although the PRI claimed they were the socialist peasant's party, they operated as a corrupt political organization that siphoned off wealth from Mexico's nationalized oil industry with extracted bribes for protecting the drug cartels that trafficked in marijuana and narcotics distribution into the United States. As a glaring example of the level of official PRI corruption, in 1982 the oil workers' union donated a $2 million house as a "gift" to President López Portillo. Mexicans often joke: "Our Presidents are elected as millionaires, but they leave office as billionaires."

But on December 1, 2000, Vicente Fox the former Chief Executive of Coca-Cola in Mexico and founder of the Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) was elected President of Mexico. Mr. Fox ran on a platform of reforming Mexico's pervasive police corruption and his first move as President was to form the AFI. Under the leadership of President Fox and his party's successor, President Felipe Calderón, the AFI grew over the next 11 years into a 5000 member force with an international reputation as a premier drug enforcement agency. The U.S. provided extensive equipment and training to the AFI. The AFI reciprocated by capturing numerous drug kingpins and extraditing them to face criminal prosecution for murder and drug distribution in the U.S.

Over the first six months of 2012, the Sinaloa Federation and Los Zetas carried out a vicious war across Mexico to expand their areas of operations and intimidate the local population. Both cartels engaged in "information operations campaigns" by displaying large numbers of dismembered bodies in public places. The shock value of body dumps was designed to broadcast that the cartels are the dominant authority in Mexico.

The AFI under the President Felipe Calderón retaliated against the major drug cartel kingpins' horrific blood-shed by partnering with the U.S. and Guatemala to capture Horst Walther Overdick in Guatemala, followed by the capture of Francisco Trevino and Carlos Alejandro "El Fabiruchis" Gutierrez Escobedo and the killing of Gerardo "El Guerra" Guerra Valdez in Mexico, along with the capture of Jose Trevino in the U.S."


more: http://www.testosteronepit.com/home/2012/8/2/mexico-dissolves-their-fbi-and-moves-to-legalize-drugs.html

It's about time. The sooner the state stops prohibiting goods and services (and creating black markets as a direct result), the sooner the violence related to the trade will decline. I only wonder how long it will take here in the US...

Friday, August 3, 2012

Beyond .50 BMG — The Jumbo .950 JDJ

Are you bored with your "whimpy" .50 BMG? Looking for something with a little more punch? Well J.D. Jones and his team at SSK Iindustries have created a truly big boomer — the .950 JDJ. As its name implies, rifles chambered for the cartridge have a bore diameter of 0.950″ (24.13 mm). This would normally make such rifles "destructive devices" under the 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA). However, SSK obtained a "Sporting Use" exemption allowing the rifles to be sold without special restrictions as destructive devices. CLICK HERE to watch .950 JDJ being fired.

Projectile Weight: 3,600 grains (more than half a pound) Rifle Weight: Between 80 and 120 pounds Muzzle Energy: 38,685 ft/lbs (52,450 Joules)

As crafted by SSK Industries, .950 JDJ rifles use McMillan stocks and very large-diameter Krieger barrels fitted with a massive 18.2-lb muzzle brakes. The ammo produced by SSK features solid 3,600 grain bullets and CNC-machined cartridge brass. It is also possible (through a lot of work), to use a 20mm cannon casing shortened and necked-down.The primer pocket is swaged out to accept a .50 cal machine gun primer. That 3,600 grain bullet is just massive — it weighs more than half a pound. The cartridge propels its 3,600 grain bullet at approximately 2,200 fps..

More: http://bulletin.accurateshooter.com/2011/11/beyond-50-bmg-the-jumbo-950-jdj/

Everything You Need to Know About Gun Control

While those who oppose private gun ownership rant hysterically about hypothetical situations that never occur I'm going to explain everything you need to know about the entire concept of gun control in one concise post:

Germany established gun control in 1938. and from 1939 to 1945 13 million Jews and others were exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935; from 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents were exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964, and from 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians were exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970 — from 1971 to 1979, 300,000 people were exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956, and from 1975 to 1977 one million educated people were exterminated.


It doesn't get much more simple than that. Opinions don't stand up well in the face of reality.

Federal agents take aim at Fortune's Fast and Furious report

The Agent, “The Official Publication of the National Association of Federal Agents,” has added its voice to those of Congressional investigators in deconstructing a Fortune Magazine report critical of Oversight Committee efforts to determine the truth about Operation Fast and Furious “gunwalking.” Earlier this week, Gun Rights Examiner was forwarded a copy of NAFA’s “Summer 2012” issue, challenging allegations made by Fortune in a rebuttal article titled “Who’s on First? What’s on Second? The Ongoing Story of Fast & Furious.”
Regular readers of this column will recall an appendix to a joint congressional staff report released Tuesday characterized the Fortune report as “a hit piece full of errors and omissions,” and stated the writer of the story, Katherine Eban, “was inquiring about the circumstances of [ATF whistleblower John] Dodson’s divorce, apparently based on information in Agent Dodson’s ATF personnel file.”
“Eban may also have been provided information from John Dodson's personal ATF jacket -- a felony,” citizen journalist Mike Vanderboegh noted Wednesday on the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog, linking to a Main Justice analysis that included a response from a Fortune spokesman, not surprisingly expressing full support for their reporter.
NAFA ‘s editorial staff does not share in that support. Addressing key claims in the Eban piece, they provide point-by-point rebuttals based on their law enforcement experience and professional knowledge of procedures.
“This assertion is patently untrue,” NAFA notes, responding to Eban’s declaration that “no federal statute outlaws firearms trafficking.”
“Title 18, Chapter 44, Section 922(a)(1)(A) makes it a felony ‘to engage in the business of dealing in firearms without a license,’ which is exactly what was going on here,” NAFA replies. “The statute has been on the books for almost 45 years with numerous cases having been made pursuant to it.”
“NAFA would be very interested in learning just how ATF supervisors thought they were going to be able to ‘track’ thousands of firearms once they went south of the border,” the article continues, in response to Eban’s recounting of why weapons were not seized. “Amusing!”
Countering Eban’s assertion that “It was nearly impossible in Arizona to bring a case against a straw purchaser,” NAFA replied “This assertion is patent nonsense. ATF has a long history of successfully investigating and making criminal cases against so-called ‘straw purchasers.’”
“The federal prosecutors there did not consider the purchase of a huge volume of guns, or their handoff to a third party, sufficient evidence to seize them,” Eban parroted the administration line. “A buyer who certified that the guns were for himself, then handed them off minutes later, hadn't necessarily lied and was free to change his mind. Even if a suspect bought 10 guns that were recovered days later at a Mexican crime scene, this didn't mean the initial purchase had been illegal. To these prosecutors, the pattern proved little. Instead, agents needed to link specific evidence of intent to commit a crime to each gun they wanted to seize.”
“This is sophistry of the worst kind!” NAFA replied. “Absent a federal Firearms License (FFL), repeated purchases (re-stocking) of multiples of the same non-sporting firearms by an unlicensed person are prima facie evidence of engaging in the business without a license, a felony pursuant to Title 18.”
The Federal agencies don't draw distinctions between private party and federally-regulated commerce, something that puts law-abiding citizens in the cross-hairs of (well-armed) regulators.
“[A]gents could not seize guns or arrest suspects after being directed not to do so by a prosecutor,” Eban maintained.
“Special agents have always had the authority to arrest someone committing a crime in their presence,” NAFA countered. “They need not wait for a prosecutor’s authorization…Since when does some local U.S. Attorney run ATF?”
Responding to Eban’s dismissal of the CleanUpATF website, where allegations of gunwalking to Mexico and a tie-in to murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry were first made, and particularly to her characterization of whistleblower Vince Cefalu as “disgruntled,” NAFA was equally dismissive of her motive.
“’Disgruntled’ and ‘malcontent’ are words self-serving ATF bureaucrats have historically used when describing dedicated ATF special agents who value the Constitution and the mission more than their careers…concepts foreign to many management and management wannabe employees.”

Federal agents take aim at Fortune's Fast and Furious report - National gun rights | Examiner.com

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Olympiads and Hoplophobes

[Kim] Rhode has become the first American Olympics participant to win individual medals at five consecutive Games. She easily won the women's skeet gold medal with a total of 99 hits, missing only one of the 100 clay 'birds' launched. Wei Ning of China won silver with 91 hits and Slovakia's Danka Bartekova took bronze with 90 hits.
The pessimist in me tells me that if her record achievement had been in anything other than the shooting sports, her level of recognition might be on par with an athlete who broke standing records.

London 2012: Skeet shooter Kim Rhode sets new medal record for USA Olympic competitor - video | Sport | guardian.co.uk

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Silver Shadow Unveils Gilboa 5.56mm Compact Assault Rifle and Silenced Timna Sniper rifle

Israeli gun pimpers Silver Shadow debuted their Gilboa 5.56mm compact assault rifle and Silenced Timna high precision sniper rifle at ISDEF 2010. Snipers first! "Modifying the latest Russian M76 sniper rifle into the new Timna Silenced sniper rifle, Silver Shadow took this proven Russian design further," defense-update.com updates. "[They've] modified it into a western 7.62/51 designed for heavy, high velocity ammunition, enabling military and law enforcement snipers to operate with maximum stealth, even at close range as well as at maximum distance. The rifle is matched with a barrel made by Shilen Rifles, and a modern, full barrel length silencer developed by Silver Shadow which leaves almost no acoustic signature." All they want is yours on a check, presumably. Gilboa time, courtesy israelmatzav.blogspot.com . . .

The Gilboa employs the proven lower receiver of the M-16/M4 design, coupled with a new upper receiver designed by Silver Shadow…. Gilboa comes in various sizes and configurations, from the smallest 2.25 kg Automatic Pistol Rifle (APR), the short and standard versions, to the long-barrel 3.55 kg Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR). The APR measures 51 centimeters in length, fitted with a 7″ barrel as standard, but for special uses it can be configured with a 4.5″ barrel. The 'DMR' is a heavily modified Gilboa series automatic rifle designed to provide military and law enforcement operators greater firepower at combat ranges. It is fitted with a heavy match 18″ barrel for better harmonics and has a 7:1 twist rate to permit using heavier projectiles.


The Truth About GunsIncendiary Image of the Day: That's Not an Assault Rifle. That's an Assault Rifle (Lightweight Barrett M240) » The Truth About Guns

Original Page: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2011/07/robert-farago/incendiary-image-of-the-day-thats-not-an-assault-rifle-thats-an-assault-rifle-lightweight-barrett-m240/

Chiappa’s Rhino Revolver Is Hero’s Gun In New Total Recall Film

Quaid uses the gun in the film and publicity stills show knockout beauty Kate Beckinsale blazing away with the low-recoil high-performance Rhino revolver. Yes, they are blanks, but even if not, the recoil of this revolutionary revolver would be about the same with live ammunition. The film debuts in theatres across the country on August 3, 2012. Should be a fun flick.


Original Page: applewebdata://639E2726-3F1E-488A-9EFA-0AFAF2C7E7B8/