Friday, August 24, 2012

Bloomberg tries to explain why New York's finest gun down innocent bystanders

Bloomberg tries to explain why New York's finest gun down innocent bystanders. Isn't this what Bloomberg said would happen if civilians packed heat?

But. . . but . . . they were official government employees. That's not supposed to happen.
A women's accessories designer fatally shot a vice president of the company that laid him off near the Empire State Building Friday, causing a chaotic showdown with police in front of one of the world's best-known landmarks. Police killed the suspect and at least nine others were wounded, some by stray police gunfire, city officials said. . .
The two officers fired a total of 14 rounds at Johnson, Kelly said. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said some of the nine wounded may have been shot by police in the mayhem. Johnson's semi-automatic weapon was equipped to fire at least eight rounds; at least one round was left in the clip, police said. Another loaded magazine was in his briefcase.

Sipsey Street Irregulars: Bloomberg tries to explain why New York's finest gun down innocent bystanders. Isn't this what Bloomberg said would happen if civilians packed heat?

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