Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fast and Furious: Romney Executive Privilege Pledge

An open letter request to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to make good on his words of “applause” for the Operation Fast and Furious “gunwalking” investigation with a pledge, should he be elected, to revoke executive privilege protecting the production of subpoenaed documents, is likely to go nowhere if confined to limited niche readerships.
While there has been modest support spreading the word on social media sites, realistically, not enough attention will be generated that way to create the pressure needed to convince the Romney campaign that this is something they shouldn’t ignore.
One correspondent advised me that we really need to be able to put the pressure on a campaign insider, but that’s problematic—Romney’s manager, Matt Rhoades, keeps himself insulated with a low profile, and his style and strategy appear to be fixed on the center line and swing voters, rather than a core constituency the Republicans reflexively take for granted.

More: Nugent, NRA hold key to Romney executive privilege pledge - National gun rights |

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