Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Machine Guns for the State, Squirt Guns for You

From Machine Guns for the Soldiers, the Cops, the Criminals Squirt guns for us by Bill Anderson over at Lew Rockwell.com:

Whenever one sees the word "debate" in the New York Times or any other Progressive Mainstream Media source, one should substitute the word "monologue," which is a much more accurate assessment of what actually is happening. Progressives and the MSM allies do not want a "debate" over gun control; what they want are laws banning private ownership of firearms, period, and anything else is only a way-station to the final destination: total private gun bans.

In the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings, the sister of one of the murdered children wrote a well-publicized letter to President Barack Obama, imploring him to ban all weapons except those held by the police and government agencies. Now, one can excuse a grief-stricken 10-year-old child for demanding that the USA adopt what essentially was the gun standard for the former Soviet Union and other communist countries, although I doubt seriously that the child herself actually came up with the idea for the letter at all, or at least its contents.

Nonetheless, the child pretty much has stated what is the ultimate agenda for American Progressives, and until that ban is complete, we will not hear the end of terms such as "sensible gun control." To Progressives, "sensible gun control" is not simple registration or even a ban on so-called assault weapons and handguns. No, it is total and absolute prohibition for private citizens, while at the same time, government authorities are going to be armed to the teeth.

I am of the mind that nearly any level of intervention by anyone on behalf of anyone else without their explicit consent is invalid, and at times gross negligence. 

Given the history of gun control in relation to rises in violence, I am modern inclined to believe the statistics rather than emotional reactions. The reality is that as gun control rises, so does social violence. Nanny-staters seriously believe that an outright ban in firearms ownership by the peasants will lead to a reduction in violence. Luckily, we have a wealth of information to refute that hypothesis; history. As private ownership of firearms declines, violence inversely rises. We have a list of desoots from countries that have attempted to take this path around the world, with rather consistent results: 

Ask the Jews, or a host of other oppressed peoples throughout history whether their natural right to self defense was necessary to their survival. As usual, statist defense of the prohibition self-defense is entirely baseless and without reason.

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