Friday, April 26, 2013

The Law of Unintended Consequences and Gun Control

President Obama's policies have been criticized by some as harming the economy. The "stimulus" policies he has put into place are not working, according to critics. Indeed, the economic recovery has been unusually slow.

The president's policies have been very good for one industry, however: firearms. With the president embarking on a campaign to ban so-called assault weapons (this article calls them "modern sporting rifles") and high-capacity magazines, demand has skyrocketed. That article quotes one manufacturer of AR-15′s as saying they have a one-year backlog of orders.

Career politicians rarely have a working understand of economics or sociology, and the reactions to certain restrictions or prohibitions for political gain are sufficient evidence of this ignorance.

The president's strategy to stimulate the firearms industry is not new or untested. When the federal government required new toilets to limit the water they used per flush in the early 1990s, that increased the demand for high-capacity toilets. The president's proposed firearms policies are merely taking a cue from policies that have been proven in the past to increase demand in a particular industry.

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