Wednesday, June 11, 2014

PolicyMic and Bloomberg

PolicyMic is becoming just another media outlet for partisan politics, with michael Bloomberg using it to promote his rebranding of the failed Mayors Against Illegal Guns as the new Everytown. The message remains the same, that only police (like New York's gang who couldn't shoot straight under Bloomberg) need to have firearms, and they promote only the tragedies, over and over, never letting a good tragedy go to waste. They hardly address social issues, and tout gun bans as the end all to social violence, ignoring statistics and reality in favor of emotional arguments and opinions.

"Since the December 2012 shooting in Newtown, CT, there have been at least 74 school shootings in America. How many more before our leaders pass common-sense laws to prevent gun violence and save lives?
Communities all over the country live in fear of gun violence. That’s unacceptable. We should feel secure in sending our children to school — comforted by the knowledge that they’re safe."


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