Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spike Lee Accidentally Tweeted the Address of an Elderly Couple Thinking It Was Trayvon Martin's Shooter

Spike Lee, sometimes movie maker and recent Jeremy Lin jersey wearer, made a pretty big boo boo recently. He thought he had retweeted an address of George Zimmerman, the guy who shot Trayvon Martin, but actually retweeted an address of an elderly couple in their 70s to his 250,000 followers.

According to The Smoking Gun, the original tweet of the wrong address was sent to Spike Lee by Marcus Higgins, a 33-year-old who had sent the address to other celebrities too (LeBron James, 50 Cent, etc.). The original tweet came with a not so innocuous message that told followers to "feel free to reach out and touch him." Spike, thinking the address was the shooter, re-tweeted the message in full to his followers.

What's awful about this is that the address was wrong. It pointed to the home of 72-year-old David McClain and his 70-year-old wife Elaine. The mixup occurred because George W. Zimmerman (who has no relation to the shooter and is not the shooter) was mistaken for George Michael Zimmerman (the real shooter), George W. Zimmerman used to live at the house with his mother, Elaine, but hasn't been lived there for years. No one really knows how Higgins finagled that address but David and Elaine have been living in a hotel to avoid the mess at their home. Hopefully, nothing will happen to them. [The Smoking Gun]

Despite the appearance of guilt by Zimmerman (and the media circus surrounding the situation), Spike Lee comes off as being as big of a hatemonger as Sharpton on this one. Unfortunately, this tragedy has become a circus of opinions and racial division rather than justice...

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