Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We're the Only Ones Refusing Enough

The Waterbury police department has been refusing permits against the clear intent of the state legislature. [More]

Well, yeah, but that's because if you're armed, Waterbury "Only Ones" wouldn't be able to do this to you.

Besides, we all know Connecticut cops in general are just plain more trustworthy than the rest of us.

I grow weary of statist power grabs to disarm the citizenry of the natural right to self defense and the Constitutional right of the People to keep and bear arms. Any restrictions placed on free men (pretty much anyone not incarcerated as a result of violent crimes of aggression) I find to be invalid and more about control by a select few than anything resembling promoting public safety. 

Original Page: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheWarOnGuns/~3/KecShpbQNe8/were-only-ones-refusing-enough.html

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