Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Washington Ceasefire Anti-Gun Bus Ad Full of Fail

Washington Ceasefire Anti-Gun Bus Ad Full of Fail | The Truth About Guns:
Just in case Bruce Krafft decides to deconstruct the 22 percent stat touted by Ceasefire Washington’s new bus ads, I’ll restrict myself to a one-word response: fail. But in a nice way. The gun grabbers usually resort to emotional appeals that short-circuit rational thought. You know: crying mothers, bewildered toddlers. This ad invites debate (which gun control advocates inevitably lose) and encourages indifference. A two-fer! But I do like Ralph Fascitelli’s advice for home owners concerned about self-defense: “Get a baseball bat or get a knife.” Yeah, that’ll resonate. Especially with older people. [h/t to David Brown]

Failure of logic and truth, for starters. On to the peanut gallery!

mikeb302000 says: 
22 times likely to use the gun on a family member than on an intruder. Wow, even if that a wild exaggeration, you’d have to be pretty stupid or stubborn to have a gun in the home.

Mike B has no problem acting like everything coming out of the anti-rights/anti-gun lobby is fact. Doesn't seem to consider that any of it may be opinion or misinformation. Screw logic and critical thinking! Think of the children!

How long has he been trolling here anyway? I must have missed him jumping in. I'm more used to the vitriol on the anti sites. It still creeps me out how excited they get when a tragedy comes along. We mourn death, they shoot their wad trying to find a way to justify an illogical position.

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