Friday, December 14, 2012

For Scumbags Who Kill Kids

I've been following the events if today's tragic school shooting and can't help but wonder why the violent aggression is directed at what are likely the least responsible for the situation of these people who break ways with reality. It seems I'm not the only one:

There doesn't seem to be any rhyme nor reason to why someone suddenly snaps and enters a school and starts shooting.  All I know is that some coward has killed little kids in a Connecticut school – 26 dead as I sit here writing.

Is societal pressure so hard on these people they have no other recourse but to kill innocent babies that have no hope of fighting back?

What could possibly be going through your minds to actually plan and then implement a plan like this?  These are innocent people – innocent children- going about their lives and because you're having a bad day, or a bad week, or a bad life, you show up and take theirs away?

Maybe we just need more laws to make violence stop? Because its sure been working great this far. 

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