Monday, December 17, 2012

Where is reason in a time of tragedy?

How sad sad that a tragedy fails to encourage people to look to themselves for answers, but to faith, and then to the tools of violence rather than those acting out in violence. 

I have waited for a few days before exhaling, hoping that through the pain and the agony would emerge something more compassionate and more sane. 

For many of us who are parents, it's like this. 
This tragedy has been visceral, a cry of the heart that aches even too much to make a sound, an agony that does not let up.

Then comes the redirection away from the core issue and to one of means rather than ends. As sad as pointless violence and loss of innocent life is, blaming an inanimate object for these acts misses the mark entirely;

We hear this pettiness in the callous words of the NRA and their supporters, who keep telling us in shooting after shooting that "guns don't kill people, people kill people."  No, you heartless enablers of mass murder.   The blood of these children is also on your hands.

Yes, guns don't kill people, mentally deranged people with semi-automatic weapons that have no purpose other than killing who walk into classrooms of innocent six-year old children kill people.   With even one less gun, there would be more parents still hugging their loved one tonight.    How dare you think that your "right" to own killing machines is worth more than the right of our precious children to live?

Unfortunately, it seems that this person of faith is laying out a subjective argument that dismisses the person behind the act and focuses on a tool instead. Had the suspect driven a car into a crowd of people, would they also be laying the blame on the auto industry, as there are more people killed in auto accidents annually than with firearms. This sort of tragedy is entirely unacceptable, but focusing on anything other than the cause (an individual act) is hardly productive or helpful to those grieving the loss of loved ones. 

Please, stop politicizing tragedies and think about how to change society in ways that reduces violence. Laws and regulations are not something that works, so maybe it's time for something a but different. 

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