Saturday, December 29, 2012

More Sandy Hook Inconsistencies

I saw a video a week or so ago that showed what looked like long guns gringo removed from the vehicle of the shooter, potential evidence that a rifle may not have been used in the shooting if it was left in the vehicle. 

Well, it seems that what the authorities have said about the gun used to kill the children in Sandy Hook was a lie.

We have to ask, how could one person in a few minutes time be able to shoot multiple times and kill 26 people.  They had said that only handguns were used in the beginning.  They then changed that.   The news reported that it was "only" handguns taken inside the school.

The court in Connecticut has sealed all the information from the shooting for at least 90 days.  I guess this is so they can straighten the story up more and due to so many on the internet proving what they said has not been the full truth. 

What could be the motive for preventing public access to information regarding the tragedy?

Here is the absolute confirmation from authorities as reported on NBC News:

The more I learn, the less seems to be clear. 

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