Friday, December 14, 2012

Wouldn’t It Be Nice?

Yeah, it would:

As gun owners, if we could just experience the grief and sorrow along with the rest of the country, instead of having it intruded upon by that impending feeling of doom about what the media, the politicians, and the people in society who don't much care for civilian gun ownership are going to do to our lives, liberty and often times livelihood? If we could go through something like this without worrying how much we're going to be the scapegoats? I know that's the thought that's been crossing my mind as this entire horror story is playing out in the media. I don't want to think about or deal with politics right now, but that's precisely what I have to start getting ready for if I don't want to risk that America, and the politicians who claim to represent her, in their rashest and most impulsive worst instincts, pass a knee jerk law that will overnight turn many Americans into instant felons. There are times I believe we all deserve a break from politics. This is one of them, but we will never get it.

I believe we will not leave this horror unscathed, either mentally or politically. Our liberties and beliefs will be called into question, ridiculed, beaten, and we'll be told to get in line for the good of everyone. This could very well be the point as which the pendulum swings back. The narrative that's been driven home is that NRA is beaten up and bloodied, and is no longer relevant. Regardless of whether that's true or not, what matters is what the powers that be believe. We may not believe the time now is for politics, and it shouldn't be. But as a variation on an old saying goes: we may not be interested much in politics, but politics is very interested in us.

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